Fat Blasting Boot Camp Review

The Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program was designed by Angie Schumacher, a Certified Personal Trainer, for her boot camp class in Colorado.  She wanted to ensure that her members received total body Cardio Workouts For Women in just 30 minutes-3 times a week.

With the Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program, you will start out with 2 weeks of "Get Started" Cardio Workouts For Women that will get your body ready for the upcoming 12 weeks of workouts. Each workout is linked to a video demonstration that will show you how to correctly do each exercise.

The Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program consists of 3 circuits—Strength, Cardio and Core. You begin with the strength training, which includes 4 exercises that will hit every muscle in your body. This will sculpt and tone your upper and lower body and elevate your heart rate, making sure you are burning tons of calories. The cardio training consists of 3 exercises that elevate your heart rate and boost your metabolism to ensure maximum fat burning. You then finish off with core training, which incorporates 3 exercises that will hit every inch of your abs, creating lean, sexy abs. After each workout, your body will continue to burn calories for the next few hours! No matter what fitness level you are at, all the Cardio Workouts For Women are easily suitable to meet your needs.

Not only do you get the most amazing and effective fat burning Cardio Workouts For Women, you will also receive Fat Blasting Meal Plan Ideas, which help you to plan your meals and help you achieve maximum results with this program. A copy of simple, Energy Producing Recipes that Angie has used over the years, will also be included. Lastly, you will get a private invitation to the FREE Fat Blasting Boot Camp forums where you can ask questions about the program, blog about your experience, chat with other women who are using the Fat Blasting Program and receive one on one attention from Angie Schumacher.

Why is this program different from the others? This is a program that can be used right in the comfort of your own home, with little to no equipment! No universal gym machines, cardio machines or gym membership is needed. What you WILL need is a medicine ball OR dumbbells OR a kettlebell, stability ball, a chair or a step. That’s it!

No need to spend tons of money on diet pills or diet programs or to be confused over all the contradicting information about fitness and weight loss, the Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program is your answer! 

The Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have nothing to lose.

Circuits For Fast and Effective Fat Loss

Are you lacking the time to exercise? Are you short on money and can't afford a gym membership? Do you lack workout equipment?

Then bodyweight circuits are the answer to all your exercise excuses!

When using body weight circuits, you are getting in total body Cardio Workouts For Women. All you need to do is pick 2-3 lower body exercises and 2-3 upper body exercises that you do using only your body weight. Alternate the upper and lower body exercises, doing 10-15 repetitions per exercise, with no rest until you have completed all the exercises one time through. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the circuit up to 6 times. There you have a perfect fat burning circuit in less than 25 minutes!

Not only do body weight circuits burn fat, but they help to boost your metabolism. By using body weight training, you are incorporating both interval and strength training all in one workout and your body will not only burn calories while you are doing your circuits, but long after you are done!

Bodyweight exercises also help build muscle, which helps not only to increase your metabolism, but also makes you look sexy.

Here is a beginner bodyweight circuit workout:
  • Wall Ball Squat - 15 reps
  • Kneeling pushups - 10 reps
  • Hip Extension - 15 reps
  • Plank on Hands - 20 seconds
  • Bird Dog - 5 reps per side hold for count of 5 seconds
Here's an intermediate bodyweight circuit workout:
  • T-Squat - 15 reps
  • Forward Lunges - 12 reps each leg
  • Decline Pushup - 15 reps
  • Mt Climber - 15 reps
  • Close grip Pushups - 15 reps
  • Side plank - 30 seconds each side
You can use the bodyweight circuits in place of your interval training or added to your regular training. Give them a try and start blasting that fat!

Quick and Effective Cardio Workouts For Women

If you're short on time and want to learn Cardio Workouts For Women that will help you to burn calories all day long, try one of these circuits that will raise your heart rate and your metabolism so that your body becomes a fat burning machine all day long!

Circuit #1 (Repeat 5x)

1. Prisoner Squat -20 times

2. Jumping Jacks -45 times

3. Push Ups -15 times

4. Side Jumps -40 -20 each side

Circuit #2 (Repeat 5x)

1. Alternating Forward Lunges -10 each leg

2. Ab Crunches on ball -20 times

3. Rows with bands -20 times

4. Jump Squats -20 times

You can do these circuits alone for a quick workout when you are short on time or try doing both circuits together as a super circuit for more advanced Cardio Workouts For Women. You can also add one of the circuits after a strength training workout for your interval workout. Which ever way you choose to incorporate them into your fitness routine, you are going to be getting in a great workout and speed up your metabolism that will in turn help you to burn more fat.

Try putting a circuit of your own together. Choose 2 lower body exercises, an upper body exercise and some form of abdominal exercise, put them together and you will have quick and effective circuit Cardio Workouts For Women!

So now you have lots of alternatives for getting up and doing some form of exercise with NO excuses. Believe me, you will feel so much better once you get up and do that workout!


Cardio Workouts For Women © 2012