Quick and Effective Cardio Workouts For Women

If you're short on time and want to learn Cardio Workouts For Women that will help you to burn calories all day long, try one of these circuits that will raise your heart rate and your metabolism so that your body becomes a fat burning machine all day long!

Circuit #1 (Repeat 5x)

1. Prisoner Squat -20 times

2. Jumping Jacks -45 times

3. Push Ups -15 times

4. Side Jumps -40 -20 each side

Circuit #2 (Repeat 5x)

1. Alternating Forward Lunges -10 each leg

2. Ab Crunches on ball -20 times

3. Rows with bands -20 times

4. Jump Squats -20 times

You can do these circuits alone for a quick workout when you are short on time or try doing both circuits together as a super circuit for more advanced Cardio Workouts For Women. You can also add one of the circuits after a strength training workout for your interval workout. Which ever way you choose to incorporate them into your fitness routine, you are going to be getting in a great workout and speed up your metabolism that will in turn help you to burn more fat.

Try putting a circuit of your own together. Choose 2 lower body exercises, an upper body exercise and some form of abdominal exercise, put them together and you will have quick and effective circuit Cardio Workouts For Women!

So now you have lots of alternatives for getting up and doing some form of exercise with NO excuses. Believe me, you will feel so much better once you get up and do that workout!
If you're short on time and want to learn Cardio Workouts For Women that will help you to burn calories all day long, try one of these circuits that will raise your heart rate and your metabolism so that your body becomes a fat burning machine all day long!

Circuit #1 (Repeat 5x)

1. Prisoner Squat -20 times

2. Jumping Jacks -45 times

3. Push Ups -15 times

4. Side Jumps -40 -20 each side

Circuit #2 (Repeat 5x)

1. Alternating Forward Lunges -10 each leg

2. Ab Crunches on ball -20 times

3. Rows with bands -20 times

4. Jump Squats -20 times

You can do these circuits alone for a quick workout when you are short on time or try doing both circuits together as a super circuit for more advanced Cardio Workouts For Women. You can also add one of the circuits after a strength training workout for your interval workout. Which ever way you choose to incorporate them into your fitness routine, you are going to be getting in a great workout and speed up your metabolism that will in turn help you to burn more fat.

Try putting a circuit of your own together. Choose 2 lower body exercises, an upper body exercise and some form of abdominal exercise, put them together and you will have quick and effective circuit Cardio Workouts For Women!

So now you have lots of alternatives for getting up and doing some form of exercise with NO excuses. Believe me, you will feel so much better once you get up and do that workout!


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